Originally Posted By: Dwalin2011
Originally Posted By: dixiemafia

I actually consider this too ignorant to reply to but I will.

Since you were born in Russia, I consider you to not be able to have the right to say a fucking thing about our military. As LaLou mentioned, I'd say 90% of our military join today to get ahead in life. Early retirement, education, learning a trade, and even getting into politics are just a few things that joining the military gets you here. Recruiters know that 99% of those they sign up will be out after their first or second re-enlistment.

So no we don't sign up here just to shoot people.

If you think you are so clever, what do you think about soldiers raping and pillaging on conquered territories? An argument to difficult for you to grasp? Or are you SERIOUSLY implying Americans don't do that? It's as much ignorant as if I said Russians don't do that. War transforms people into beasts, and I am not talking about those "other kind" of people who enlist to be mechanics, work with computers etc, but about those who actively participate in battles on their own free will.

And I don't have a problem with the USA army specifically. Other countries' armies are no better from a moral point of view.

Woaaaa....Alright man first off, if soldiers were having sex in Iraq and Afghanistan, it was with US female soldiers. This isn't the 70's and we did not invade Afghanistan and Iraq to spread communism to the Middle East. The Army in general is WAY too policed by its own MP's and the MEDIA itself. YOU ARE WAY OUT OF LINE IF YOU THINK AMERICAN SOLDIERS WERE RAPING AFGHAN OR IRAQI WOMEN. And you sincerely just put yourself on my shit list by insinuating me or other soldiers under my command of doing the same thing.

When the female soldier was caught in Iraq taking photos with the prisoners in a very bad manner, that is about as far as it ever went. The media would be all over even if they had a hint of a lead on American Soldiers raping women while in combat.

This isn't Jarhead, Full Metal Jacket, Band of Brothers or Generation Kill, it is real life. And I am very offended by having US soldiers accused of atrocities that the Russians committed 30 plus years ago.

How about that invasion of the Ukraine? How you guys doing with that? gotta go after a country with an Army the size of a soccer team eh? Last I hear the economy is doing pretty crappy due to all the embargoes for trying to play powerhouse. At least when we invaded Iraq, they had the 4th largest army on the globe, compared to our 8th largest.

You guys ever wanna pick on someone your own size, I got no problem yelling "WOLVERINES!" and start marching again. (To those of you that caught that one, hats off to you lol)

"What are you cacklin' hens cluckin' about?!?!"

"Is that him?!? With the sombrero on?!?"