Originally Posted By: Dwalin2011
Originally Posted By: LaLouisiane

Most that join the US Military do so not to "kill" but rather to pay for schooling, become advanced in a special job (diesel mechanic, aircraft mechanic, military police, computer technician, etc)

Are you sure? US military, Russian military, Italian military, doesn't matter which country, if you join ON YOUR OWN FREE WILL, you are no better than a mafia hitman unless your country is under attack and you have to protect you innocent compatriots.
Being a soldier is a dirty job, necessary for this imperfect world, but still dirty and not "noble" and "glorious" at all.

Tell me, why soldiers always rape women and kill civilians after the enemy army has been defeated? Even in the Second World War many Soviet soldiers enjoyed raping German women and boasted that "half of our children were born in Germany", and American soldiers in Vietnam also raped women and had no problems shooting children, while the individuals who denounced that were labeled as "traitors"? How is this different from when an informer is targeted by the mafia for "ratting"?

There are no wars today when you have to "protect you homeland". The last such war was World War 2.

I was born in Russia and I am still sick of the propaganda about how "heroic" our butchers in Chechnya are. Do you seriously think American soldiers behave more civilly when they have just conquered a village formerly owned by terrorists?

I actually consider this too ignorant to reply to but I will.

Since you were born in Russia, I consider you to not be able to have the right to say a fucking thing about our military. As LaLou mentioned, I'd say 90% of our military join today to get ahead in life. Early retirement, education, learning a trade, and even getting into politics are just a few things that joining the military gets you here. Recruiters know that 99% of those they sign up will be out after their first or second re-enlistment.

So no we don't sign up here just to shoot people.