I am curious as to why so many people have such a VERY negative opinion towards Alite?

I do know that he is in that rat category and can totally understand why guys within the life would want to eat his heart out BUT, us regular folks do not really know the guy.

I will say that he ABSOLUTELY seems genuine when he speaks.....WHY? because when he speaks it flows.....When someone is lying about things, they usually pause and choose their words wisely. He does acknowledge that he was an evil person and I do not doubt the slightest bit that he saw so much wrongness, favoritism and nepotism....I believe he had a front row seat to immense rule breaking that if it were anyone else who broke the rules, they would be dead in the street. That second set of rules makes a normal guy fuming mad.......Think about our present day income inequality. That really is aggravating and people want to lash out but, are just unsure of which avenue to choose.....Alite chose to hit him as hard as he could!