And... speaking of Canarsie--

also, Pizzaboy, I've not been on recently but no disrespect intended re: Jamaicans v. Haitians, etc. You're one of the folks here who obviously know the city well and we can have an excellent time just talking about that so apologies if it seemed I jumped on that, it was just enthusiasm. (Some of those Haitian women are very hot btw.)

Forgotten New York is very good at what it does, yes. The main guy there is more interested in streets and buildings and light posts than history and people per se but that's more observation than criticism; one man can't do everything.

Also, I don't know if it's mentioned before but do you know the excellent low-budget 1961 movie "Blast Of Silence", writte, directed and starring Allan Baron (he later become a prolific tv director) of New Lots Ave and I'm gonna say Logan. I believe growing up where and when he did, Baron "knew" some people, if not intimately, then simply as matter of course.

For those who've not seen it I won't give away ending but I will say there's a GREAT scene at I think the end of Fountain Ave when it still had some fishing shack similar to what you'd see in Broad Channel today; you can see the Belt Parkway throug the mist in background.

Last edited by conopizza; 01/27/15 12:35 AM.