Winter Storm Juno. Really, a name for these winter storms. Just doesn't have the kick-ass feeling like a hurricane. Anyway, Juno in South Jersey is turning out to be a slow starter. A few flakes today, but temps were in the mid 30's. Just now it is hitting 32, but still just a windy drizzle most of the day. Now it is suppose to snow in the wee hours of the morning and the wind might kick up to 25 mph. So I might wake up to 3-5". Gotta feel sorry for Boston - 75 mph gusts and lots of snow. That will deflate your balls.

All those people who bought milk and bread. Enjoy your toast, sandwiches and milk shakes. I'm sippin' a vodka martini at the moment.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12