Originally Posted By: Extortion
it's unbelievable there hasn't been more coverage on these two. I doubt they do anything illegal now but they probably did to amass their fortunes. The two johns who own dealerships, some of the richest made? guys around.

I don't know about that.It is like as long as you are not killing and if you are covering your tracks ,and are doing favors for people as high up as highest level in government etc and you are a billionaire, things are still a little different.
Now if they are smacked in the face to where they can not look the other way you may take a hit.
This is the kind of guy that they never let go ,not the dead beats running around Philly.
The bigger your wallet and you head get ,and you want that tract of land on the water front. Then you have two or three guys that want it also .This is when they resort to there friends..(and old ways)

Last edited by Serpiente; 01/25/15 06:01 PM.

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."