Just a random story that made me laugh.

Yesterday while listening to the radio the host said he had just interviewed Debbie Reynolds (I think a biography is coming out soon). Anyway, he played short segments of the interview.
He asked about the paparazzi back then and she said it was awful cause they'd be right in front of her house. However, she thought it's probably worse today.

Well, it got to a question about her husband Eddie Fisher and the famous Liz Taylor scandal. She said she had known Liz from somewhere (school maybe). Anyway, she said that when Liz's husband died (She had 8 but I assume Mike Todd), she sent Eddie over to console her. And, she said "boy did he console her. Next time I'll send a card." lol Made me laugh

I always liked her and I certainly remember the cover of every movie magazine having Taylor,Fisher, Reynolds on the cover. Ha ha Then of course not long after covers changed to Taylor/Burton.


Last edited by The Italian Stallionette; 01/25/15 05:35 PM.

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"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon