From these posts, it appears no one read Kyle's book, "American Sniper". I am 80% finished with the book. I haven't seen the movie. My take on Chris Kyle; he was a very intensely, "delusional" man. He justified killing all "insurgents" as protecting America and his fellow combatants. But it should be understood that all his "kills" were documented by the Rules Of Engagements" ROEs. He - and all aggressive actions - had to be justified to military administration. This is not my opinion, its in the book. Kyle was a Navy SEAL to the ultimate definition. He wanted to engage the enemy, he wanted to protect his fellow SEALS. He truly believe his mission was for the good of America. He was a deeply committed soldier. In my opinion, he was psychotic.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12