Originally Posted By: RedBullets
Originally Posted By: Shamm11375
That's pretty crazy.... I can't even imagine walking in the casino and recognizing a guy like him... not sure what hotel that is, but I go to DR frequently

He's like a fictional character compared to the NY guys... so much more reach and clout....

I don't know, that's just how I see it... as far as mob watching goes...too bad he went the way he did... ha

The guy lived like a boss from a different era.

Oh he really did, I think what allowed him and his organization to prosper and maintain so much was the strength, stability and versatility they displayed, not to mention they were center-stage throughout Canada and even USA when it comes to narcotics, a huge moneymaker, and to command such control in that area of the underworld for any clan is impressive, lots of muscle, but also a LOT of brains.

Not sure if this was posted here at the time, but this is the type of reach these guys have. I read an article around 2010(which I can post here and translate if anybody is interested) about a feud between the Rizzutto's and some other drug-importers they had a joint deal with, and long story short, these guys tried muscling the Rizzuto HQ, the Consenza, and in response, one of their enforcers rented an helicopter, went over the house of that clan's leader, and strafed it with AK-47's... later saying "Now this shows we can find them anywhere".

That is nuts.