Originally Posted By: olivant
Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Originally Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas
I am a family man, love my kids and always will. But as they get older what a bunch of miseries they have become. Thank the Lord for young Matty to keep me on my toes blush

And they expect you to turn into an ATM, dispensing a non-stop flow of cash for their endless needs....

That reminds me of something one of my daughters asked when she was about 8 or so. She wanted us to buy her something and we told her that we didn't have the money. So she said "Just write one of those checks." Of course, we then educated her about how checks work.

LOL When my girls were little and I told them I didn't have the money to buy something, they'd say, "go to the bank and get some." They were under impression, you could walk in and ask for whatever amount you wanted. Ha ha If only!!! lol


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon