Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
While not excusing these Islamic radicals in the least (nobody is harder on these terrorists than I am), those at Charlie Hebdo are not innocent, much less "brave" like they've been made out to be. They are typical Western Europe secular leftists who get a kick out of making fun of religion, be it Islam, Christianity, Judaism, etc. In their case, it was evil people killing evil people. Just because somebody has "the right" to say something, it doesn't necessarily mean it is right.

It seems France has gone to both extremes in dealing with the Muslims there. On one hand, too far one way with Charlie Hebdo ilk doing what they do. On the other, being far too accommodating (in the name of tolerance), which has led to things like "no go" Muslim areas where French police and fire won't even go.

So you're equating a bunch of cartoonists/journalists with these animals? They deserved to die because they mocked their idiot prophet?

How about those people that were executed in the Jewish supermarket? Should they have reconsidered shopping there? Maybe they went to far buying kosher food? Did they had it coming also Ivy?

Charlie had every fucking right to draw those cartoons, distasteful or not, and no medieval asshole, be it from Yemen or Utah, is going to tell us otherwise.