Originally Posted By: LittleNicky
Originally Posted By: thedudeabides87
Well buddy, obviously you are well aware know since you mentioned them, the first crusades was started by the Catholic church. I am not saying that Islam does not have violent extremists they do, violence is in every religion because of violent individuals. Christianity for example crusades, 30 years war, Catholics and protestants in Ireland, the Inquisition. In the US the KKK and bombings at abortion clinics but you don't go about saying the Christianity is evil, certain people are evil and they can use religions as way to justify it. Buddhist monks in Myanmar are killing women in children, but you don't go condemn all of Buddhism.

Stop with the bullshit. We are not talking about the 12st century crusades (which I doubt you could even coherently explain, let allow understand they were responses to near total islamic conquering of western society), we are talking 21st century. The fact you must reach back to the 12th century or find a unbelievably rare abortion bombing, when we have daily examples of islamic violence is really a tell about how pathetic and weak your argument really is.

An extremist jew wears some funny clothes. A extremist jain meditates more than normal. A extremist mormon might live with a few chicks. A extremist muslim kills people and lots of them. Every day and on every continent. The religion matters. The ideas matter. And these "extremists" have all the justification they need in quran itself. Their prophet was a warlord and they just have a literal interpretation of what the book actually says.

This pathetic attempt to equate religions is a bizarre impulse. It has of course also proved useful to leftists keen to hide the gaping hole in their 'all culture are equal' doctrine - ''Yes, they are committing terrorism in just about every country on the planet, have embarked on massive campaigns of rape right across Europe, are working to undermine fundamental freedoms in their host nations, are far more likely to be welfare dependent than other migrants, commit 'honour' murder when their daughters get friendly with kafir, abuse our system of rights to destroy those very rights, campaign to sabotage our democracy through ballot box fraud and then teach misogyny and supremacy to British born, next generation muslims to continue all of the above ad-infinitum - but we have Islamophobes - remember that guy who threatened to burn a koran and the mo-toons?! And what about the crusades/George Bush!''

Great post Nicky.

Big Lebowksi is one of my all time favorites.