Totally understand lalouisaine, sometime I say might things a bit tongue in cheek (not wishing to remind binnie about his potential cellmate!) and it may come across a bit differently, but I mean no offence at all.

A gun owners negligence/stupidity caused this fatality, in 2010 606 people died in the us as a result of accidental discharge of a fire arm, 8% the time the gun was fired by a child under 5. Small beer in the scale of things, but tell that to the families and the kid growing up. Thats not including the 35,000 additional fatalites that year caused by homicides and suicides.

My next point doesnt read right, apologies. I didnt mean ignoring steady accidents, i meant steady accidents aside, increasing the possession of any lethal item causes an increase in violent incidents surely, look on the news any day of the week.

The reason for gun laws in 1787 cant be applied to today...remember, we had just slaughtered an entire indigenous race using guns (ask their few ancestors what they think), burned withves and treated others like possessions.

The worst thought is, considering recent events, if highly trained cops cant allegedly make the right decison under pressure (NOT my opinion I may add) and subsequently get hung out to dry by their mayor, what chance has joe public got trying to argue his point after shooting someone in the face beacause he felt threatened and was aiming for the leg...hello Mr All Nighter....!

Seriosly though, it is interesting hearing different views about this when we're from entirely different societies in that respect smile