Originally Posted By: fergie
Ht2, that would mean every one of his co-workers were outside the building watching the motorcade (how else could they be confident lho wasn't), which means he evaded them all as he escaped, assuming they subsequently all ran back into the building from which they must have just heard 3/4 shots ring out, then stayed around for a headcount- assuming they must have returned very quickly for lho to be identified as "missing". Again, what would you do?

Some employees were inside watching the motorcade from the windows. There was another exit in the rear of the building which led to Houston Street. The police sealed the building but he had to be gone by then. Most people would notify their boss if they were going home early.

Seems fairly crazy that if you ran away down the street in fear of your life and were reluctant to return for a.while to the area you just heard gunfire from that the cops would then put out an immediate apb on you as chief suspect?

There's nothing unreasonable about putting an apb on a missing person who had access to the 6th floor where a snipers nest was found. If he had a good alibi, he should've been released.