Originally Posted By: SinatraClub
I don't have a problem. I'm just stating my opinion. It isn't "common knowledge" that Philly has 40-50 made guys. Anastasia says there's 15-20 made guys, he didn't say "theirs 15-20 active made guys", he specifically said there were 15-20 made guys on the street. I don't know how you can assume otherwise based on his own words. Again, not saying he's the end all, be all, but he's proven to be somewhat knowledgeable in the past. And everywhere you look, amongst the LCN online community, the number is debated, just like many of the other families. Nothing is common knowledge.

Inactive guys don't contribute to the current Philadelphia LCN, I don't see how you can use them as support that Philly is a more active family than any other one. Local Philadelphia news articles don't support the "50 members" claim. Nothing documented supports that, I don't think. In articles and reports that mention Philly since around the Ligambi trial, Nicky Skins and all, has the numbers being lower than 50. Everything I've learned so far about current Philly LCN says the numbers are lower than that. That's why I personally believe it's far fetched. Maybe I'm wrong, it's really no big deal. I'm allowed to voice my viewpoint, though, are we not?


Now you're just being willfully ignorant, SinatraClub.

First, when Anastasia or anyone else talks about 15-20 made guys on the street, "on the street" typically is meant to imply guys who are active. The total figure - which is common knowledge - is indeed approximately 50 members, give or take. It's somewhat futile to argue guys currently on the street because, as I said, that number is always in flux. And even if we were to do that, there's absolutely no reason to believe Detroit has more active made guys than Philadelphia. In fact, as I said, I wouldn't be surprised if the number of active Philly members is comparable to the number of total Detroit members.

Second, why is 2006-2008 not recent? In mob terms it's pretty recent. You can't just look at the last couple of years because that really isn't a big enough sample size considering how long mob investigations take. But even if we were to do that, there's still a hell of a lot more evidence of mob activity in Philadelphia than Detroit. The last mob bust of any real significance in Detroit was back in 2006 - almost a decade ago now. And it was the standard gambling bust the likes of which we've seen several times in Philadelphia over that same time period.

Third, I added other things in addition to actual indictments because other news sources can also show the activity of a crime family and it's affiliates.

You can try to spin things all you want. Bottom line, whatever way you want to look at it, there's far more mob activity in Philly than Detroit and the total size of the family in Philadelphia is probably twice the size of the total size of the family in Detroit. Anyone who looks at the evidence of objectively, without drinking the Detroit kool-aid, can see this.

Check out page 129 of the report below in reference to the 50 members.

Originally Posted By: TommyGambino
Ivy, no need to show me that list of members, I've seen it a thousand times.

That was more for SinatraClub. But, as I expected, he tried to explain it away. It's why I get sick of arguing with people on these forums who don't do their research. They make statements that simply aren't true, because they're uninformed, and when you put the evidence in front of them they try to ignore it because it contradicts the narrative they've already bought into.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.