Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
a new book out, "LBJ, the mastermind behind the kennedy assassination" great read, he and J. edgar hoover created a great cover-up.

I believe you can find the book on amazon.

I don't think LBJ had anything to do with it. I really don't.

The assassination of JFK really seems very simple to me, especially after watching a cable documentary featuring several experts investigating the theory that the Secret Service were behind it.

The motive: JFK ran on a civil rights platform, but stalled in getting legislation passed. This created a motive (the desire to stop him from passing the anti discriminatory Civil Rights Act) and a window of opportunity (the time period between when JFK announced his intentions and when he would actually follow through). I believe had JFK signed this legislation earlier, there would have existed no motive to kill him. As a consequence of the delay he never got to sign civil rights legislation and LBJ ended up doing so...and then wisely did not run for office once his term was up.

The Patsy: Oswald [and Jack Ruby] probably acting on orders from the mafia. The mafia is one of the few organizations that can coerce someone into doing a hit they don't really want to do. I can't think of any other motivating factor for Oswald and Ruby to act other than Cosa Nostra. Oswald like Sirhan Sirhan strikes me as an independent soldier of fortune, or contract hitman. It is a credible scenario that Oswald learned to shoot in the military and then contracted his services out as a hitman after his military career ended.

Jack Ruby? A mobbed up associate of organized crime that the mob was able to recruit to eliminate Oswald in broad daylight because he (Ruby) had terminal cancer, and because of that he could not be fully prosecuted or held accountable.

The Killer: This documentary I saw analyzed the ballistic evidence down to matching the calibre of bullet to the hole in JFK's skull, and pointed out that his X Ray chart was doctored to omit the presence of frangible bullet fragments. They made an excellent case that JFK was in fact shot by an AR 15 rifle belonging to one of the members of JFK's Secret Service detail. IMHO, Oswald was just hired by the mafia [or someone acting on their behalf without Oswald's knowledge] to be at Dealey Plaza and fire on the President so that he would create a diversion. The President was probably shot first by Oswald. That first shot created noise and a diversion so that while the crowd's attention was elsewhere, the Secret Service could finish JFK off with an exploding tip bullet.

The trajectory of the kill shot line up with the security detail riding behind JFK, not the Texas Depository Building Oswald was hidden in.

The trajectory of the explosion from JFK's head match up with JFK's security detail location....not the location of Oswald.

The type of wound created by the kill shot to JFK's head matched up with the exploding tip bullets, not Oswald's rifle.

The Secret Service had the Ar 15 with exploding tip bullets and the calibre size also matched up with the hole in the back of JFK's skull...not Oswald's bullets which could not even fit through the hole that was made. This was demonstrated in the documentary.

Why do you use an exploding tip bullet? To make sure the target is killed which is supposedly safer for the shooters and conspirators.

Therefore in this scenario, the mafia was not used as assassins so much as used to provide patsy's to deflect blame from the real killer[s].

The motive here would successfully tie JFK's killing to that of MLK and other major civil rights leaders of the time who were targeted by J Edgar Hoover's so called Cointelpro.

Am I saying Hoover hit JFK? No. Just that he had to be a part of it in a sense because it was Hoover's duty to investigate the crime. The killers had to have Hoover in their back pocket before they could proceed. Therefore Hoover knew about the hit ahead of time.

RFK had to be hit because he as the full blooded brother of JFK and the US Attorney General would find and prosecute the killers to the limit of the law.

"For us, rubbin'out a Mustache was just like makin' way for a new building, like we was in the construction business."