If you do your different from my daughters. I have 2 of them there both Independent. We raised them that way.

They actually don't want me sticking my nose in their personal business. They think I take things to far if they tell me to much. Their probably right about that.

So you think because your daughters are independent that they don't need you?

I am a very independent person, both my parents taught me that I have to rely upon myself and not others to get anywhere in this world. But just because you are independent doesn't mean you don't need your parents in your life.

Now that I'm an adult my Dad's not in my personal business, nor would I want him to be. But I still maintain a very close relationship with both my parents, and I'm glad when I was a teenager that my Dad DID make it his business to know what I was doing and who I was with.

Frankly, I wish my father would have left. But, He stayed to torment us. Good news someone did us all a favor and murdered the prick. We should have threw a party when that happened he would have been the quest of honor.

It's true that not all two-parent homes are good and loving homes, there are always abusive and unhealthy families out their. Sounds like your father wasn't a very good person, my father didn't have a very good relationship with his father either, growing up I hardly knew my Grandpa because the two were so estranged, so I understand what you are saying.

All I really meant in my post was that a child (boys AND girls) usually thrive when they have two loving parents.

There are always exceptions to the rule, and it wasn't my intent to bash single-parent families (heck all my friends came from single-parent families!) but I DO think that children need at least some sort of father figure in their life...so sue me. whistle