Originally Posted By: bigboy
In California. someone shot at cops but missed. In Durham NC the same thing happened the other day. Let's hope this is not a new trend

They think they are making a statement or starting a movement by doing this....

No let me retract that, the one's doing this have less sense that a cardboard box....

For all the bitching and moaning about the police being "militarized", don't people realize actions like this are justifying the reasons for them to get more equipment and more power? It's like they forgot what they were fighting for.

I highly doubt this will come down to a war. All the people protesting are the same ones that want to regulate weapons and gun control. If it came to picking up a weapon and defending a cause, I'm pretty sure half would shoot themselves or their battle buddy by accidental discharge, and the other half would shoot a three round burst from an older M16 and say "Oh that gun's too loud panic" and drop it then walk home.

"What are you cacklin' hens cluckin' about?!?!"

"Is that him?!? With the sombrero on?!?"