Sportswriters have to submit their Hall of Fame ballots to the Hall of Fame today. This website has been collecting votes as writers have been revealing them in their columns:

With 90 ballots (out of more than 500) revealed so far, this is how the voting looks:

98.9% - P. Martinez
98.9 - R. Johnson
87.8 - Smoltz
82.2 - Biggio
78.9 - Piazza

75% required for induction

73.3 - Bagwell
64.4 - Raines
57.8 - Schilling
45.6 - Bonds
44.4 - Clemens
41.1 - Mussina
28.9 - E. Martinez
22.2 - Trammell
17.8 - Lee Smith
16.7 - McGriff
13.3 - Kent
6.7 - L. Walker
6.7 - McGwire
5.6 - Sheffield
5.6 - Sosa

5% required to stay on the ballot next year

1.1 - Garciaparra
1.1 - Mattingly
1.1 - Delgado

The ballots revealed before the formal announcement have usually run above the final numbers, so right now it looks like Pedro Martinez, Randy Johnson, and John Smoltz will be inducted, Craig Biggio has a good chance, Mike Piazza is iffy, and Jeff Bagwell has an uphill fight. On the other end, guys like Larry Walker, McGwire, Sheffield, and Sosa are in danger of dropping off the ballot next year.

"All of these men were good listeners; patient men."