Originally Posted By: rockstar_man45
China understands the nature of the game though. They need us as much as we need them. It's almost an unspoken understanding. There are signs china is getting sick of North Korea. I'm starting to believe the Chinese hold most of the sway in that backwards country. There will come a time when they will no longer see North Korea as an asset. And when that day comes the whole cult regime will come crashing down. I'm not worried about Russia, they kick and scream but they won't ever do anything they know will piss us off majorly. I say we just let anonymous hackers destroy whatever pitiful internet connection and resources they have. Wouldn't it be great if someone hacked into their mainframe and released all the information about Kim Jong Un and his goons?

I actually agree with you. While they are becoming very strong economically, they still don't hold the political sway and backing like the US on the national level.

When I was a Cadet back in college before commissioning, they would send us off to different schooling based on branches between semesters. One of my Quartermaster buddies got a chance to spend a month in Hong Kong (I think it was one of those internship deals between non hostile countries, kind of like West Point how they take in cadets from other nations and send their cadets for diplomatic purposes and learning techniques. He said economically, they are booming, but it was a mirror image of a resort town in Mexico. The business districts and government buildings were up to par with America, but the second you got off a main road it looked like a shanty village.

AND they apparently have a huge problem with garbage control. He said trash was out in the open on the streets piled up. The Genovese family needs to do some overseas investing in China on waste management.

"What are you cacklin' hens cluckin' about?!?!"

"Is that him?!? With the sombrero on?!?"