Basically Saudi Arabia is flooding the market with oil right now which is driving the cost of fuel down at a very quick rate.

Not sure how much oil and gas play up there in the north of the livelihood of New York's economy, but it's the life blood down here in Louisiana. We are on the verge of breaking ground in refining fuel from the shale energy boom that could sustain fuel in America for a couple of hundred years!! AKA that's called fracking, where we break through the shale rock to sustain an abundant amount of untapped fossil fuels.

This breakthrough has seriously ruffled the feathers of OPEC because it drastically reduces the dependency we have had on them and their ability to control the market. Essentially we are driving OPEC into the ground so they are mass producing fuel to get the most out of it before the prices drop for good and stop fluctuating. Don't get me wrong, its not an overnight fix, but changes are slowly being made.

"What are you cacklin' hens cluckin' about?!?!"

"Is that him?!? With the sombrero on?!?"