This is a little off topic but goes into the overall theme of this topic, is that many of these fragmented gang cities have to due with what PB stated with the lily white liberals going all the way back to LBJ and his great society and their attempts to "even the playing field so to speak" and you couple that with those towns are all or were heavlily union dominated and raising the wages of the workers at ridiculous rates for their factory jobs for many major US companies. Those companies saw the writing on the wall and moved their plants to other countries rather than pay the union wages. White flight from Newark, Detroit, Cleveland, etc, decimated those towns to where they are today. Liberal run cities, heavily taxed, mismanagement of funds and corruption destroyed all these cities and destroyed jobs and hope and opportunity and continue to this day. Easier to sling rock than it is to learn a legal trade, go to college, join the military. Detroit is bankrupt, atlnatic city is a shithole, cleveland doesnt rock, chicago is a war zone, north and west philly are under seige. Giuliani saw what was going on and for better or worse fixed NYC before it became its own war zone in manhattan and the other boroughs. Start holding people accountable get rid of cycles of welfare and government housing and you clean up half the mess. Continue with these great society liberal utopiansm and you have the destruction of many more cities.