Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
we don't now, or ever have, tortured people for no reason, but, as I posted. we can't lose sight of the fact that they planned 9-11 for 4 years,

do people realize that isis or groups like them could hit us with an a- bomb if they had plutonium triggers. and they can be had, by terroists working within nuclear states, [Pakistan, india]

there is a purpose to torture, and that purpose is to find out what they have, and where there going to use it.

Don't bother, Binnie. First of all, I think he's just a kid because when he signed up last year he identified himself as being very young. Second of all, this is the same guy who whined in the Columbine thread about being bullied, like that justifies mass murder. He should direct his anger where it belongs: At his father, for raising him to be such a pussy.

And I know. I'm mean, wah wah wah. I'm a bully, wah wah wah. But I'm tired of apologizing, and I just don't have the patience anymore. Go out and live a little bit before you pass judgement on the very people who keep this country safe while you whine about waterboarding on a message board.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.