People who have led sheltered lives are the only ones who are shocked by things like this. People who were not don't really think these things are a big deal.

I can't get too horrified over someone being beheaded or someone being crucified for that matter. They still wind up dead like any shooting or someone being stabbed to death or getting hit with a baseball bat a few times. I think if you really want to torture someone let them know that their families will die the same way if they don't spill the beans. If they still won't bring some family members and show them that your not kidding. Probably a lot easier to capture someone in their family then it was to capture them. A picture s worth a thousand words.

On someone dying getting his with a baseball bal I would only wonder if he died with a Mickey mantle model or a harmon Killabrew model. I would probably recommend a Harmon Killabrew model.

only the unloved hate