Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
Originally Posted By: MaryCas
When I started driving (1965) gas was $.29 a gallon and it had been that price for awhile and stayed there until 1970. Filled my Volkswagen Beetle for $3.00 and it lasted for a couple of weeks.


I posted a couple times that when I was young and it so happened that a friend who was lucky enough to have a license AND a car, that's when a group of us would scrounge up whatever change we had (10, 25 cents) to pay for gas to cruise around. 1 or 2 dollars went a long way. lol


I'm sure we all looked for change under the seats and floor mats lol

And PB, not the Partridge family...more like the Munsters. tongue

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12