I hear'd Tommy DeSimone was a friend of Vic Orena, once he was going to visit he met Orena's son, and he was sad. Tommy asks ''whats the matter?'' and Orena's son replied ''The Pretzel guy drove off, he usually stands here each morning, he saw me and took off!'' Tommy DeSimone started yelling ''You kidding me!? get in the car, let's take a drive!'' He drove after the Pretzel truck, cut if off and got out of the car and jumped into the fucking truck, shouting ''What the fuck is the matter with'ya head!? you didn't see that kid standing there?'' and so on, the pretzel guy apologized a dusin times, after a couple of minutes Tommy jumps back into his car and turns to Orena's son - ''Don't worry, this guy's gonna stop by everyday to give you a pretzel.''

If a guy fucking tripped over a banana peel, they'd bring me in for it.