Originally Posted By: SonnyBlackstein
Pizza you want to see some great boxing, check out your former avatar's return to the ring recently in mother Russia.

Great fight.


I love him, but he's fucking crazy. He admits to 62. But when he was first getting licensed back in '90 or '91, I know for an absolute fact that he was over 40 then. He may be 65.

The guy's batshit. I wouldn't tangle with him in a street fight, though. Even now. He doesn't hit very hard, and he gets hit A LOT himself. But he's the kind of guy that just keeps getting up and coming back. I guess that's from his Irish side. Those buggers are too thickheaded to quit (and it's a compliment, in case anyone's offended).

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.