Originally Posted By: cookcounty
it's okay for john gotti and nicky scarfo sons to be thugs but not michael brown?

You really are stupid.

Who said it was ok for Jr. Gotti or Scarfo's son to be thugs? They were a menace to society just like Brown was. The Feds also went after them like the cops in Ferguson went after Brown.

I promise you if Junior Gotti did the same thing Brown did he would have been just as dead in that street that day. But racists like yourself just want to push your agenda that Whitey is out to get all of you. WTF does Whitey do to you? I could care less WTF you do on a daily basis. I could care less where you work or what you do as long as it's within the law. I'm a white male who didn't have it any easier than the black male standing next to me in school. But because I went out and done something with myself makes me Mr. Whitey that's trying to hold you down? You can kiss my white ass, I earned every dollar I've ever made because I went out and worked for it. If you haven't then that's your fucking fault.