Originally Posted By: botz
In a Italian song I heard there were 3 Spanish Brothers that came to Italy one brother founded Coda Nostra, one founded the Camorra, and the other one founded the N'Drangheta.

As far as I'm aware this constitutes the foundation myth of the 'Ndrangheta and is perpetuated as part of their initiation. It is a story of three Spanish knights called Osso, Mastrosso and Carcagnosso who fled Spain (or, if pre-unification, some part of Iberia) after avenging the rape of their sister and who subsequently came to found the three honoured societies. For a more indepth examination check out this public lecture given by UCL (University College London) Criminal Historian John Dickie on the origin of the 'Ndrangheta: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CR1Gu_7Po38