Originally Posted By: Moe_Tilden
It's just typical that the Kennedy's catch all the shit for their alleged misdeeds yet nobody obsesses over that hayseed podunk hick Jimmy Carter's buffoonery in the Iran Hostage Crisis and the nepotism over his brother, the downright evil shit the Bush dynasty has been involved in over the last 50 years not limited to their friendship, funding and enabling of Bin Laden and those bastions of moral fortitude Tricky Dick and Ron Reagan.

GTF over it like.

@Moe: You're sticking up for an Irish scumbag the same way that some of these kids stick up for Italian thugs. And you're not wrong in calling them out for it. But you have to be consistent, son.

Jimmy Carter's an asshole, and a rabid anti-Semite to boot. But again, Jimmy Carter being an inept Jew hater, and John Gotti being an Italian American sociopath, doesn't make the Kennedys squeaky clean by any stretch of the imagination.

Two wrongs don't make a right. Ever.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.