Overall success that Italianforever seems ignorant of such as education, careers, industries, entrepreneurs, etc ! I want to express how disappointed I find these generalized comments when these few posters don't know anything outside the negative stereotypes of my culture. I understand that there's only a few active black posters on this forum but geez show some respect.

These birds of feather poster display ignorance nor differ from the hoodlums in the street they so detest. I was willing to have a mature debate/conversation with a poster on the subject of out of wedlock and similar topics but a no show. I repeat once again, Marriage doesn't equal in no shape nor form parenting period.

It's basically difficult to relate how it feels being in another person's shoes.

They really do like each other.

If you think you are too small to make a difference, you haven't spend the night with a mosquito.
- African Proverb