Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: Benny3Balls
Michael Piccolo, Michael Ciancaglini, Steve Powers and Richard Leidy only got 4 months in county jail and 5 years probation for that shit that went down at the shore. Pinsky got the video tape of them taking turns screwing those girls thrown out due to a faulty warrant. They were looking at 20 years and they all ended up with 4 months county time and 5 years probation.

But you see, that's just the kind of incident that people have to consider before they slam a judge for giving someone too much time. Because it cuts both ways.

Kiddie rapists getting four months in prison? Life in jail for murder doesn't seem so excessive when you put things in perspective. I have three grown children, and anyone with kids will agree with me.

After Pinsky got the video tape ruled as inadmissible the sex charges i think were dropped and they all pleaded to a charge of "Endanger Welfare Child-Duty". Whatever the hell that is.