I really dont get why people glorify Merlino. Right now for some reason he has the most internet fanboys. It sucks reading all these comments that glorify this asshole. All these philly fanboys need to realize he would slit your throat to further his position or hospitalize you if you owed him doe. Go take a loan from one of these guys and dont pay on time and see what "Robin Hoods" they are. All that shit about these guys keeping the bullshit amongst each other is rediculous. Shaking down Chickie and Petes? While the owner is an asshole who shook his employees down he is still a working civilian. It just amazes me at how many fanboys these assholes have. While OC in itself is interesting there is no need to idolize these assholes. I like reading the posts by the educated people on here but these love affairs with these assholes needs to stop. Its sickening to read sometimes. Some of these threads are 6 pages about how great he is. Its rediculous.