Originally Posted By: HuronSocialAthletic
^^^thats more or less a recollection of what you saw in the 'Casino' film.

Tony Accardo didn't send anyone out to run Vegas. Joey Lombardo was given the control over Las Vegas rackets & sent one of his top men, Tony Spilotro, out there to run things for him.

Michael Spilotro was not a tough guy nor was he respected on the street. He was a lackey to his brothers Tony & Victor, who were real Grand Avenue hard heads. Michael was a cokehead pretty boy who's desire was to use his mob connections to become a Hollywood actor (lol).

Regarding the Vegas situation, Lombardo knew exactly what was going on, obviously. They were his rackets, after all. He was out there a great deal during the 70s & early 80s. I maintain that Aiuppa & Cerone wanted him dead as well.

completely agree except that "aiuppa/cerone wanted to kill lombardo"-part. I do not have any substantial knowledge, but my unqualified guess would be that aiuppa wasn't really a hothead and realized in time that it wasn't really lombardo's fault. and he was in prison at that time, so iam quite sure lombardo was one of the least of his problems.