"obama got elected because "conservatives" voted for bush because they hate obama types"

I did not know Bush ran against Obama?

I thought Obama ran against McCain. Obama type what type is that someone who had just a tiny bit more experience running something then you. You actually might have had more experience running something then him.

I voted for McCain because I thought he had balls a kind of a hero what ever they are, but I thought he was a dummy because he had a chance to leave that hell hole in Vietnam that prison, and he did not.

"bush ruined the country so bad that they elected a black man as president"

By you saying that you are a real racist. You should have said so they elected a democrat for President not a BLACk man for president.

"bush lied about a war, got caught, and people still voted for him"

Lied about the war. You don't have to believe this there were at least some weapons of mass destruction in Iraq they used them on the Kurds. Why didn't they find them? when the Russians left Iraq they tooK most of them with them. How do I know? Some Russians who were in a position to know here in Brooklyn told me. Why would they lie?

On lies did the shit heads that attacked us train in Afganistan? If they did why shouldn't we attack them.

Might of attacked Saudi's as well. They did the job on us.

only the unloved hate