Can anybody out there tell me more about him?

My Father was an AC/refrigeration mechanic in South Florida from 1971 up until the early 1990's.

He installed all the refrigeration for every new Bobby Rubinos for the Galgano bros. and also did the AC in Terry Zappi's house and his yacht that used to be docked at the old "Le Club International".

AS a kid I would sometimes go along with my Dad to Terry's. I remember he used to joke that he had a polish wife who cooked Italian as good as anybody. He also had a candy company and was always giving me candy.

Other than that I don't know too much about him. I heard that that it was him that put up most of the money for "Deep Throat".

There used to be a ton of Bobby Rubinos around and that account alone kept my Father really busy. Now almost all of them have closed. There might still be one or two open, but I'm not sure.

Any cool trivia on Terry would be greatly appreciated.

