This tragic but the soldiers executed some gunmen the other week that belong to that gang(Guerreros Unidos). These pieces of shit deserve it especially these splinter groups that prey heavilly on the commom joe. Furio im from Mex but currrently reside in Laredo Texas and these guys are clowns bunch of thug with no morals. Trust me if you think these guys are cool youre wrong, these are the type of people that kidnap and torture innocents for ransom money. So the soldiers have no mercy as they didnt have mercy when they kidnap and execute innocents. I blame the Mexican people in some ways and the all thrree levels of government. Also its a myth the narcos out weapon the soldiers they might gun the local police and the state police at times but the soldiers are better armed and obviously trained. Trust me the narcos dont want to get it with the army. They always lose in firefights against the army and especially Marines.