Originally Posted By: rockstar_man45
Idk I just have a gut feeling they won't bring charges against Darren Wilson. The evidence just doesn't point to any sort of Civil Rights violation

The man did NOTHING WRONG. The evidence PROVES that he did nothing wrong. An animal attacked him, and he put him down. If a rabid dog or an unruly zoo animal attacked a police officer, and the cop shot it dead in the street, we wouldn't even be having this debate.

Generally speaking, I don't even like most cops. And it's not because I don't believe that the world needs policing. We most certainly do. We need law and order to survive as a species. It's just that most guys drawn to that job have issues that I don't care for. That said, it's an impossible and thankless job. And Darren Wilson did his job bravely. And what does he get for it? A liberal biased media that vilifies him, and the contempt of every Black thug in this country (and that includes that race baiting scumbag Eric Holder).

It's enough already with this crap. This country is so over the top politically correct, that they'd rather shanghai a truly innocent man than offend a bunch of criminal minded thugs. Just because said thugs happen to be Black.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.