Occasionally there is an advertisement or a rally-cry to buy products that are "Made in the USA". In this global economy, I can't discern whether made in the USA is a good thing or just a sign of the times. I think global economics are too complicated for the average person to analyze or understand. I think the US import/export structures allows for companies to manufacture overseas and they do so without penalties. The cheap labor markets around the world make it more lucrative to manufacture overseas and then jobs in America are lost.

To all my fellow Americans, look at the labels in you clothing and you will likely not find a Made in America label.....in clothes that have an American company name. The other day I was at Sam's Club and I saw a sign for Eddie Bauer flannel shirts. When I looked at the label...made in Vietnam. I told my wife, so for my birthday she looked for made in America clothes and found a flannel shirt and fleece pullover made by Arrow and the label said "America". She didn't look far enough. The flannel was made in Egypt and the fleece in Kenya.

Right now I'm wearing.
1. Martin Guitar (Americas Guitar) hoodie - Label: Campus Heritage Collection...made in China.
2. True Value Hardware T-shirt - Label: Gilban...made in Nicaragua.
3. Gym pants, full length - Label: Champion...made in Jordan.
4. Boxer shorts - Label: IZOD...made in Sri Lanka.
5. White Socks - Label: Nike ... no label, only the swoooosh, don't know where they are made.
6. Boat shoes - Label: Rockport...made in China

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12