Originally Posted By: Alfanosgirl
Exactly. I can't wait to wear my boots, better dust them off. Last year my son wore pants to school maybe 3 times. He only owns 2 pairs because it is never cool enough to wear them lol
People back east never believe me when I tell them that I am wearing shorts and a tank top decorating my Christmas tree running the A/C. Maybe this winter it will be cooler.

Well, I'm from MI originally but must admit even here in CA I'm a big sissy when it's cold. LOL It has to be in the 100s before I'll go swimming. ha ha ha! What can I say. I chill easily. Always have.

That being said, when we first moved here to CA it was fall. We saw school kids waiting for the bus with winter coats on. We laughed at what babies for wearing winter coats in California. lol Heck, I got rid of all my family's heavy winter coats before we moved here. Well, let me tell you, the next winter or so, I was one of those people wearing a winter coat and so were my kids as I walked them to the bus stop. Ha ha ha


Oh, and with all that being said, I have NEVER EVER missed Michigan winters. I will keep saying the best thing about CA is the weather. smile

Last edited by The Italian Stallionette; 11/01/14 10:04 AM.

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"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon