Originally Posted By: klydon1
I don't know if any of you are following the story of Eric Frein, the survivalist hiding in the rugged terrain of northeastern PA, suspected of killing a state trooper and seriously wounding another as they were leaving their barracks. .....
Anyway, Frein is believed to be confined within a five mile radius in the dense Pocono mountain woods. He's eluded capture for almost a month, but as the leaves are falling and the weather is getting colder, it's a matter of time.

Got him on Thursday. 48 days on the run. U.S. Marshalls found him hiding in an abandoned airplane hangar. The search for Frein cost $10 mil. The local District Attorney is calling for the death penalty. The Marshalls turned him over to the local State Police, who then cuffed him with the cuffs that belonged to the trooper who he killed. And drove him to jail in the trooper's car.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12