Originally Posted By: cookcounty

that sign you posted says it all

u think it's funny that "people" have to protest getting murdered by cops


buddy got shot on the underside of his arms and upper body

that could only happen if he was standing with his arms in the air

let's not forget the two kill shots through the head


the citizens of ferguson have already shown that they're capable of uproar

there ain't no telling what'll happen if he doesn't get indicted

Jesus you are a moron. Unless the bullet was magical it is literally impossible for his hands to have been up.

Then again, I am sure you, as a dropout unemployed moron, know more than the fucking coroner.

Don't you think if there was a SINGLE piece of substantive evidence that Eric Holder, Jay "indict him" Nixon and his social justice crew would have released it?

Keep believing in fairytales. Because the gentle giant of gentleness is just that a fucking fairy tale. You want to know why the police are militarized? Because animals like Brown are running around beating up clerks and attempting to kill cops.

Should probably ask Mr. Kierney. I guess if you're Italian, you should be in prison.
I've read the RICO Act, and I can tell you it's more appropriate...
for some of those guys over in Washington than it is for me or any of my fellas here