I was glad to see Nucky make his peace with Margaret and Eli,and I thoroughly enjoyed Narcisse's demise. A longer final season would have been great.

Even though in real life,Nucky went to prison,I think most of us expected him to be killed in the last episode. It was kind of an open secret,both on this board and others,that the new kid was really Tommy Darmody. IMHO,it was a mistake to bring him into the show before the final episode.

I would have liked it better if the kid walked up to Nucky and said something like "Mr. Thompson? You don't know me,but my Dad used to work for you.
Nucky: "What was his name?"
Tommy:"Jimmy Darmody"
Then the gun comes out.

All in all,we had a great run watching the show,and of course seeing Nucky lose everything as part of some Karmic destiny for all of the heinous stuff he did.
Watching him become totally powerless at the hands of the real gangsters was great.
With apologies to The Godfather,Nucky went in like Michael,and went out like Fredo.