Originally Posted By: ItalianForever
Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Here we go again. Jesus Christ all-fucking-mighty, can't you guys ever let anything fucking go?

@Mulberry: You'll NEVER convince Ivy that Jerry Capeci and the Feds are wrong. Ever.

@Ivy: You'll never convince a guy who grew up downtown or in the outer boroughs that you can know anything about the American Mafia if you grew up in Utah, no matter how much you've studied it.

Can't anyone just agree to disagree and stop with the sarcasm?

This is great because you managed to crap on Ivy with both points.

That wasn't my intention. I'm one of the few guys who actually gets along well with him. I was just trying to tell the BOTH of them that when they're that far apart on something, it's best to just leave it alone. Because no one ever changes any else's mind on this stuff (or about anything else on message boards, for that matter).

And it's good to see you posting again too, ItalianForever. Stick around for awhile smile.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.