Originally Posted By: JoeSlim
He will do them 4 months on his head, I wonder what prison and did he get taken into custody today?

I think the feds are totally fucking with him, he will be down on Arch street at the federal lockup through Christmas and then for the Mummers and he wanted to be with the Jesters this new years, they will keep him hemmed up right there so they can fuck with him some more.

PB you may be 100% right, not sure when the niccodemo trial is set to begin, but say joey gets out at the end of February, his trial could feasibly be done, I suppose if it started say January 5th or that week.....

its still a waste and as you have stated before they have the goods on joey for the murders or at least have or think they have a witness ready to talk, whether that is enough time will tell because a 4 month sentence is a waste

and shamm, when he is done with the 4 months he is done until........