Originally Posted By: Christy_Tic
But whoever the boss is doesn't matter as much as who's making the most, making most policy decisions,etc and that is obviously crea

There you go. This was a "hot button" topic on the boards when Capeci broke this (non) story.

Bottom line, who's calling the shots on the streets? Who's free, and who's gonna die in a cage? Who has a better view right now, Stevie, from his big house in Tuckahoe, or Vic, from his cell in Maryland?

It's all a matter of practicality. It doesn't matter what these charts say. Those things are put together by the Feds, the media, and by geeks on the Internet. What matters is the street itself. And on the street, where it counts, in practical terms, Stevie and Matty are the power now.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.