I'll defer to you, PB, since I admittedly don't know much about real estate transfers or the like. But, for tax purposes, would you really change the ownership of the property so many times? And why between so many names? I understand Nicodemo and Grande were flipping houses, I just don't understand why the transfers are between different names back and forth each time. And, if it's for taxes, is that really what would be so important to him and his wife this past June while he's sitting in prison awaiting a new trial that could put him away for the rest of his life, or force him to rat out all of his lifelong friends?

In the little place where I come from, I can honestly say that I don't know anyone who was ever switched the title of their home, even once, let alone multiple times in a few year period. You're right, though; we won't really find out much of anything until the new trial begins early in 2015.