Originally Posted By: NNY78
Originally Posted By: cheech
i read the indictment, these guys had no shot (pellulo and scarfo). they had them tailed for years.


i get what they are doing. you have to try something. if youre going to hell why lay down on the way?

I agree might as well go down with a fight and maybe they get lucky on a technicality, maybe they stretch it out for a few years and witness or two dies or forgets their testimony.

Remember this case many years ago,


Apples and oranges. That case was one for the ages grin.

Nicky Scarfo Jr. will come out of jail a little old man. Unless of course he rats.

But, number one, I doubt he'd do that to his father.

And number two, I doubt he has anything to trade. He doesn't know shit about the New York Luccheses or the administration.

And that's a big misconception about rats, that the Feds will take just anyone. Those pricks only want you in their program if you have someone big to trade. And I doubt Nicky Jr. has anything of value to trade for his freedom (but like I said, I doubt he'd rat anyway).

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