Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
It's very telling that post-Katrina there wasn't a peep about mob involvement in regards to the cleanup. In Marcello's day, they would have exploited that tragedy for all it was worth. Because that's what wiseguys do.

And that speaks volumes in regards to mob activity in New Orleans wink.

You are VERY CORRECT there. Marcello would have made millions if not more off Katrina. Hell even the Gagliano guy that everyone is foaming at the mouth over was just blocks away from the 17th Street Canal breach and yet nothing was done. But because him and some other guy was going to pop someone everyone goes nuts claiming there IS a family there. No, those two dumbasses got caught simply wanting to kill someone. Doesn't mean there is a family there by any means.

All the crime in NOLA is run by the blacks and the city government.