Originally Posted By: Turnbull
Excellent analyses, Lou. clap

Looks like they're dropping off the players in anticipation of the end. The real Nucky went to prison for four years for tax evasion (1941 - 45) and died broke.
It's going to be interesting to see the fate that awaits Nucky. I'm hoping that they don't opt for a revisionist slant and have him killed,possibly by Tommy Darmody,or the Torrio/Lansky/Luciano troika.

If they stay close to the truth,the fun for us will be speculating on who gives Nucky up to the IRS. In a show of this caliber(no pun intended)it can't just be the Feds making a case by themselves. There almost has to be the "Traitor That No One Sees Coming" to deal the final blow.

So,guys and gals,who will it be and why?